Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Looking way better

Been quite a few months since posting anything and yet so much has happened. Was way too busy at work and the summer passed me by in a flash. All I semed to be doing was eating working and sleeping, but...............I did get time for a few car shows and a couple of visits up the coast to the family.
One thing that finally happened....our condo reno's are done!! Yahoo!!!!!!!!!! now I can use my deck to watch the snow flakes fall. Summers over so won't be out there trying to get a tan. Guess I might still have to wait a few months for the snow though. Now all that needs to be done is the insides. Patching and painting the so-called patching the reno guys did. What a joke that was!. Gives me something to do though...Yeah as if I don't have anything else.
Will post some car show photo's later in the week.

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