Friday, December 26, 2008

It's nearly over and done with. A few more days and 2008 will be in the history books for ever. As for 2009.......well......we will just have to wait and see. With all the negative news and rumours of worse to come around April it's not looking that great.
Still so long as we have a roof over our heads, clothes on our back, food in our stomachs and a few pennies in the bank I think we should get by.
In the meantime..... a few pixs from Christmas and was a white one.
A very White Christmas

Hmmmm I wonder if Granddad is going
to give me a big Hot Rod present

These carrots are slippery little guys
I'd better concentrate real hard

Oh yeah ..... presents from GrandMa

Merry Christmas Daddy I love you
Merry Christmas Cameron I love you too

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fun with the Family

Watch out Aunty I ride fast

Some of the locals

Tasha and me watching the bats in the ball

Hey I can dance like that look!!!
They're off...and guess who's winning
Ok now it's time to play hockey

Tasha getting ready for Halloween
The weather guys said it was going to be nice and sunny this weekend so thought I'd tag along with Tasha when she went up to the Sunshine Coast. It was only for the afternoon (and dinner) then back on the ferry to Vancouver. The photo's say it all.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

B&N Poker Run

What a glorious day for a drive

Lined up ready to go

First stop of the day

More at the first stop

Race ya to the next check point?

My ride for the day

Home...all safe and sound

Pondering what to buy for the next Rod Run

John Reid Visit

I love this a somewhat evil look to it

And from the Rear
Don't ya just love a sight like this!

John Reid and wife

Time to go home

Have got to know the great guys at B&N Hot Rods a few minutes from home and had the honour of being invited to 2 of their functions this summer.

The 1st was a Poker Run in memorial of one of their Hot Rodding buddies. What a neat day that was. Not only did Iget to take some photo's I got to participate in the run as the 'Spotter?' in Dans mat black truck. It was a bit bumpy and noisy but tons of fun.

The 2nd event was the vist of John and Tik (? spelling) Reid from Rods by Reid in New Zealand. John is considered one of the best if not "The Best" hot rod builder in NZ and is a closefriend of Bill & Neil at B&N Hot Rods. Some really cool rods showed up for that little get together.

Looking way better

Been quite a few months since posting anything and yet so much has happened. Was way too busy at work and the summer passed me by in a flash. All I semed to be doing was eating working and sleeping, but...............I did get time for a few car shows and a couple of visits up the coast to the family.
One thing that finally happened....our condo reno's are done!! Yahoo!!!!!!!!!! now I can use my deck to watch the snow flakes fall. Summers over so won't be out there trying to get a tan. Guess I might still have to wait a few months for the snow though. Now all that needs to be done is the insides. Patching and painting the so-called patching the reno guys did. What a joke that was!. Gives me something to do though...Yeah as if I don't have anything else.
Will post some car show photo's later in the week.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Jelly Bean Hot Rods Open House

'38 Special (check the trunk lid)


Psssst......wanna see what's under my hood?

Cool F100

Ok which one starts this thing

Just a Reflection of Perfection

Nice Paint job!!

Nice chevy Wagon

Local Mustang Show

This can be rented from Hertz!!

Convertable ROUSH

If we flap our doors fast we could fly

Sweet ... can I drive it?

Hey...I know you!

A bit of "Nasty" horsepower
Nice Silver Stang